The gorgeous former Miss Northern Ireland and Miss Great Britain, Lucy Evangelista talking about her Cinch experience in today’s Sunday Life. Have a peek at her fab work here
A big thank you to the Belfast Telegraph for today’s spread about our little company which is growing far beyond our wildest dreams!!! <3
Summer is upon us (could someone please tell the weather) and as the layers of clothes become less and less, the horror of what winter has done to our lovely tummies becomes more and more (because it blatantly was the seasons fault and not all those Christmas puddings, roast dinners, wine and cheese we indulged […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent lacinia, dui id convallis pulvinar, est ex dapibus massa, eu dictum leo lorem vel magna. Aliquam placerat mattis ante quis condimentum. Praesent vel facilisis neque. Fusce commodo massa pulvinar, placerat libero et, blandit neque. Praesent ante urna, rutrum nec aliquam quis, auctor ac libero. Nunc ultrices […]